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YEAR END SALE! Listening to the Language of the Bible only $10, and the Companion Bible Study is almost free ($0.01) with any book purchase!
Listening to the Language of the Bible (+ Bible Study)
by Lois Tverberg & Bruce Okkema A guide for discovering the richness of the Scriptures in their Hebraic setting. Dozens of lessons on the Bible’s Hebrew words and ideas. ( |
New Light on the Difficult Words of Jesus
by David Bivin (ed. Lois Tverberg) A scholar looks at Jesus’ life as a first-century rabbi and how his words would have been understood within the larger framework of Judaism ( |
Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus
by Ann Spangler By immersing ourselves in the culture, customs, prayers and feasts of first-century Jews, we discover how they shed light on the message and life of Jesus. ( |