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Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus (Baker, 2018) Special Deal! $16.99 each – Sale $10.95 each for 10+
Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus (Zondervan, 2012)
$18.99 each – Sale $10.95 each for 10+
Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus (Zondervan, 2009) $19.99 – Sale $10.95 each for 10+
Listening to the Language of the Bible (En-Gedi, 2006)
$14.99 – Sale $10.49 for 10+
Listening to the Language of the Bible – Study Set (En-Gedi, 2006) $21.98 – Sale $14.95 for 10+ sets
New Light on the Difficult Words of Jesus (En-Gedi, 2005) $13.99 Sale $10.49 each for 10+