Knowing more about the cultural context of the Bible often sheds light on some of the most difficult head-scratchers. Puzzle with us in the articles below…
Brief Articles
Longer Essays
Jesus’ Strange Teaching About a “Single Eye'”– Jesus’ words are much more clear when we understand the cultural idioms that he was using.
Hasidut: Righteousness that Goes Beyond the Law – What does it mean to have “righteousness that surpasses the scribes and Pharisees”?
Jesus’ Surprising Answer – When a man discussed with Jesus how he could have eternal life, why did Jesus accept what seems to be a wrong answer?
What It Means to “Fulfill the Law” – Both Jesus and Paul used the phrase “fulfill the law,” and knowing its idiomatic meaning is critical for grasping their message. It’s likely not what you think. A 3-part article. You can read it all above or in parts below:
1. What “Fulfill the Law” Meant in its Jewish Context
2. What Paul Said about Fulfilling the Law
3. Is Christ the End of the Law?